Thursday, May 5, 2011

Musings...Moms...Making a Difference

This weekend is Mother's Day, and as with most Mother's Days (and Father's Days at that), I'm not with my Mother. It's been that way pretty much since college and given our bi-coastal situation, I don't see it changing very soon. Ironically, I will be with my mom on Father's Day this year, but my dad will be off gallivanting around the globe.

Growing up, my mom (my dad too) were always thoughtful on birthdays and Valentine's Day and St. Patty's to leave a little gift or a cute note or just do something special. Just something that says "Hi, Love You!" I still remember that Valentine's Day in middle school when I awoke to a little bag in front of my bedroom door with a cute new scrunchie (reminder - this was 1990, don't judge) and probably a marshmallow treat or two and a Valentine's day card. Stricken, I realized I'd forgotten to do anything for my mom. Tears burned in my eyes as I scrambled about my room creating a handmade card to salvage my V-day proffering. She didn't seem to notice when I arrived late to breakfast and half dressed with wet hair, obviously delayed by my last minute arts and crafts crisis. But I've never forgotten a holiday or birthday or anything ever again.

This year I sent my mom a fun little "treat", which I can't share now since she'll read this and isn't allowed to open it until Sunday. But it's our "treat", our favorite treat. And if you know me, you probably need one second to guess it (or close enough.) Arts and crafts did play into my Mother's Day gift though - although not done by my hand, Women for Women International, an organization my mom and I both support offered cards made by their "mothers" sent for Mother's Day, with a donation in honor of your mom. That was my gift to my mom - in honor of my mom and other mothers - a gift to women who are survivors of war and working to make their ways in the world. Through a one-year program, woman are taught job skills, receive business training so they can earn a living, and learn their rights and how to fight for them.

My mom taught me how to be a good person, how to stand up for myself, how to be independent and learn on my own. My mom is my best friend. We all need a fantastic mom - sometimes they are our real moms, sometimes they are aunts, grandmothers, or just a close friend. I've got my fantastic mom. She's the bestest.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post with all my heart. Your mom seems like such a stellar person. It's clear that the apple didn't fall far from the tree...
